Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Mulu, Malaysian Borneo

The next part of our story, concerns the small township of Mulu, still in Malaysian Borneo, but now in Sarawak.

Mulu is situated on the Melinau river, we had seen this river, meandering through the dense jungle for many miles as our small aeroplane had descended through the clouds,it looked the colour of dirty mud, and reminded me of pictures of the Amazon river.

Emerging from the tiny and only airport into the blazing hot sunshine, a few taxis where awaiting us.

We nodded and climbed aboard, before someone changed their minds, as we had not arranged any transport.

We were the only passengers, there was only one road, about 3-4 miles long.

Our hotel was right on the edge of the jungle, at the very end of said road.

We crossed a small wooden bridge and we were there, a whole 5 nights of peace and tranquility, Heaven!

The next morning we were up and exploring the various trails, most of them on boardwalks.

We walked and walked for many hours seeing a variety of wildlife, and gay coloured parakeets singing beautifully, the monkeys trying to outdo them with their screeching calls.

The next morning we had booked to travel by longboat into the jungle, and then to climb to the many caves.

The Cave of the Winds where for millions of years deposits of calcite have formed majestic columns in the Kings chamber.

In the nearby Clearwater Cave, the river roaring beneath our feet, had travelled along its subterranean route for over 180 km!

Continue reading (Incl. Pics) at: Mulu, Malaysian Borneo