Saturday, October 27, 2007

Whitewater kayaking in Kiulu

Follow the bubble line . . . that’s the deepest part of the river,” Tim the guide shouted as we were paddling down the Kiulu River. We were approaching Sweet Corner, a 50m-long stretch of rapids.

“Paddle hard! Keep your kayak straight. Avoid the rocks!” came the command.

I shot past numerous rocks, negotiating the turbulent water with some clever manoeuvring. After clearing the rocks and entering a calmer stretch, I relaxed, thinking I had these rapids under my belt. But before I knew it, I was swimming in the water!

Tim rowed over and towed my upside down kayak to the side.

“If you had continued rowing hard you would have escaped the cross current which flipped your boat over,” Tim told me, with a grin.

The 30m wide river had narrowed to six metres at that bend and the rushing water had hit a solid wall which caused the cross current. That was a lesson well- learnt by this rookie white water kayaker.

Continue reading (incl. pics) at: Whitewater kayaking in Kiulu

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